Sleeping and
waking every day
in our lives is more
than enough to ma
ke us happy and
give thanks to Go
d. Happiness is wh
en you know that
you are specially
created by God an
d you are being co
unted among the
living, a life worth
living is a life of smi
le, laugh, love and
happiness. We we
re born to be happ
y that is why peopl
e rejoiced that we
were being born be
cause life is a gift
of happiness and
happiness is a gift
of life. I am happy
to be a citizen of
happiness, what
about you?
Happiness inc
reases our faith an
d dreams in life, it
makes us to do go
od things with love
and loving the thi
ngs that we do wit
h love. Dream big,
achieve more and
be happy always.
Smile to a child, the
child smiles to you
but show an angry
face, the child will
cry or be angry wit
h you, smile is the
foundation of ha
ppiness in our ev
eryday lives.
We must keep
on smiling no ma
tter any situation.
Happy people dre
am and achieve th
eir dreams but un
happy people dre
am and never ac
hieve their dreams.
Life is a hope that
tomorrow will be
better. Keep dre
aming because one
day it must be a
Take time to
smile, it is the gift
of life. Take time
to smile, it is a joy
to the soul. Take
time to smile, it is a
good reflection of
who you are. Take
time to smile, it is
the cheapest me
dicine for long life.
Let us keep living
in the world of smi
Happiness is
one of the best ch
oice in life, we are
responsible for ev
ery unhappy spirit
or happy spirit in
our lives.Happy per
son makes a happ
y home, happy ho
me makes a happy
community, happy
community makes
a happy state, ha
ppy state makes a
happy country and
a happy country
makes a happy wo
rld, so let us be ha
ppy always and rej
ect every negativi
ty in our lives.
The secret of
long life is happine
ss so keep the flag
of happiness flyi
ng.Happiness come
s from the heart,
show someone th
at smile on your
face and you will
be happy all day
long.I love being
happy 24/7.Keep
smiling ,it is the joy
from the heart.